The USB thing caught me out a few times and caused drama when plugging stuff back in after a PC service, re-location, or single PC replacement in a network etc.
Yeah, that can be a bit of a pain, but usually it is just the drivers. If it isn't looking for a Windows built-in driver, it (stupid Windows) will probably want to know the path to the original driver installation media, even if the driver is already installed, even if the device was previously working fine before plugging it into a different port. Of course, years later the directory it was installed from is often long gone.
The trick in those cases is to simply point it at the directories where the actual (already installed) files are. This often takes a couple minutes as you point it back and forth between Windows/System32/Drivers and Windows/System32... or the INF folder, and sometimes some C:\Program Files or Common Files or whatever place the particular file is hiding.... but it works.
If the usual C:\Windows\System32 and ..\Drivers don't work, I just open a search dialog and search for the various filenames as the installation process asks for them, then point it to that directory, hit OK, then repeat until it has "re-loaded" all the files from their existing locations.

Way to go, Microsoft.

Decades into USB and we're still doing Plug-And-Pray at it's finest.