For new installations, Windows 7 should not be used anymore. One expection might be fully airgapped systems, but i assume that would not be the case for you.
So, if you really dislike Windows 10, you should carefully consider if you need Windows at all. For many things, Linux can be a very good alternative. Not for me sadly, i play too many games
If you need or want Windows, choose Windows 10. I am still not a user myself, but i have read quite a bit about it. The latestest version now actually lets you postpone updates, even indefinetly, if you want. Also, i have heard that Microsoft supposedly will change the way major updates are installed, so those are not a full background re-install anymore. There are also, as far as i know, programs that let you change back the look and feel, at least somewhat.
Regarding LTSC, sometimes still called LTSB: Regardless of their availability (it is not available as single, off the shelf license, which is true for EDU versions as well), it is also somewhat limited in functionality, and for example cannot run the latest Office version. Though that may only apply to Office 365.
The one thing that still holds me off personally are the many privacy issues, since you still cannot fully disable telemetry without an external solution.