P.S. It is not of huge importance, but the idea of internal drivers being broken like this really surprised me.
I can not help you much on the issue. Nor should I...
And what you expected ? surprised ? from them?...
MS is a paid product which bottom line is to cripple user
access to the inner of driver control...
The registry is a reinforcement policy to make almost
impossible to decipher anything without a proper GUI
tool and knowledge of the cryptic keys put there.
That said the helpful part is that they just bundle a bunch
of drivers usually pre paid or contracted by version release
in which (by their EULA) they assume or take any responsibility
of the consequences support or results (security implied)
I had ditched that crappy shit bundle decades ago when had
my paid hardware damaged by their unsupported buggy drivers
and things just got really worse ... with more and more sniffer services
using plenty CPU and I/O resources to fill their telemetry supervisors
which mostly are DRM an license interests..
I had enough of that and dumped MS in the potty
My only useful advice in that would be ..
get rid of that junk - if possible
Last resource is trying their willingness to do support
on their well known pile of junk..
never saw a thing of that.. being useful