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WTF is Intel i4?

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No English sub so far, but I'm sure it will show up pretty quickly as it has already stirred the hive on LTT forum.

Just watch the screen display, both on BIOS page and Windows system info page.

How can there be an i4 CPU that behaves exactly like an i5?

Also worth noting, the CPU, unlike many other Intel PGA ones, does not have the black "sticker" with SL number lasered on.

I wonder where it came from? Some comments on that video says it is an BMW infotainment chip custom ordered from Intel, but so far nothing can back this up.

Should be i5-4210M, should be bios bug or something like that. Different ix CPUs never share same model number. And there is no i4 to begin with.
EDIT: Or simply that BIOS didn't know what it is and for some reason displayed something since it looks differently compared to i5-4210M. Might have something to do with faulty chip as well. Since it's not shown in the video what happened after repair.
EDIT2: apparently it was other laptop where internals were shown.

Could be anything, maybe someone found a way to mess with the CPUID on some Intel CPUs, maybe it was a one/few off for some special purpose left unknown, or maybe it's some weird Chinese hooey, or maybe it's all a fake and someone just messed with the software.

Who knows. It's a number.

That black "sticker" isn't there since Core2 Duo, after Sandy bridge its still there, written in cooper under the silk, SR0UX is an i7-3630QM, SR1Q8 is an i7-4720HQ, on the video its unreadable due to being smearead with some thermal paste.

You wouldn't believe how common this is with cheap chinese products. They can modify firmware/software just to be able to trick it to report hardware that isn't the actual hardware. Here it's a fuck-up of course, since the i4 doesn't even exist. But it's common to see fake hardware reports on those products.

I've seen that more commonly on tablets and mobile phones.


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