Author Topic: Zoom in on part of what's displayed on-screen ?  (Read 874 times)

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Offline MathWizardTopic starter

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Zoom in on part of what's displayed on-screen ?
« on: June 17, 2020, 08:32:53 am »
I'm playing a 2D game called FTL, as in FasterThanLight drive, and I'm playing windowed, and watching a fire burn on my ship, inside a room with lvl3 doors, and level 2 oxygen, and just finding what happens to the fire with different levels of door's/oxygen.

But I want to zoom in over the windowed game, like with a magnifier, in-screen, and I don't mind if it's a little window that I can place on the side somewhere.

What program does such a thing in Linux mint cinnamon ? (these programmers and their unscientific names and labels should be dealt with)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2020, 08:35:11 am by MathWizard »

Online nfmax

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Re: Zoom in on part of what's displayed on-screen ?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2020, 09:17:34 am »
That sounds like a 'screen magnifier'. You may find it hiding somewhere under 'accessibility' as they are very useful for persons with partial sight.

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