Damn, guys, this thing drives me nuts. Today it stopped capturing when I set vertical to 100mV/div and below: https://goo.gl/photos/MDa8mEdBG7anj6J59 . Reboot didn't help, nor default button.
In trying to set the trigger level on a possibly unknown and possibly small amplitude signal, I'd carefully and slowly adjust the trig level 0.5 div. above and below the flat trace that you can see.
In the video you seem to just give the trig level a quick twiddle around -100mV and -230mV. So there wasn't enough there to convince me it was a bug.
Anytime you change the Y sensitivity it's safest to assume
any carefully set trig level is lost and will need a tweak - depends on the waveform.
I think trig is better DC coupled most of the time, even if the CH is AC coupled.
The unit is on sales for a few month from now, so I wouldn't call myself "early adopter".
The CML+ has been available for over a year now. (That's all I need to say!)
One thing that bothers me is that I don't see much reports on problems, while I spend like 50% of the time troubleshooting the scope.
All Slignet scopes should come with a contract of employment.