Hi ryan123,
I am an electronics engineer myself. I graduated last year, and had a signed contract for my current job before I completed my last exam.
During my time at uni, I thought I wanted to pursue a career as a digital hardware (i.e. FPGA HDL) designer, and I was an intern at a large company in my country for 5 months, working on a FPGA project. This style of working didn't suit me at all. I never really got to see an actual electronics circuit, and the work was just sitting at the desk all day. This made me realize, that this path was not for me, and that what you actually do during those 8 hours a day (most of your time really), is much more important than job titles, compensation and career opportunities.
So my advise is this: Focus on what you enjoy to actually do. You will be doing it for 8 hours a day, so if you find it boring, your work week will be soul crushing. And realise that what you think sounds great now, is maybe not so fantastic after a few months.
Personally I'd disregard compensation and career opportunities, and take the electronics design internship because that is what I like doing. If you like doing project management you should take the other one, but you might never touch a PCB at work, and there will be very little carry over from having experience with one to the other.
Screw job security, you're too young to worry about that (unless you have a bunch of kids and grueling debt).