Author Topic: Analog EE wanted for synthesizer work (Cambridge, MA, US)  (Read 1240 times)

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Analog EE wanted for synthesizer work (Cambridge, MA, US)
« on: June 03, 2019, 05:09:18 pm »
I've been working with the guy behind Superlative (, based in the Boston area, on some of his synthesizer projects - however, because of my full-time job and other side projects I can only contribute a couple hours a week, and thought I'd see if anyone else was available who has more time on their hands (full-time ideally, but part-time would be far better than nothing too).

Here's his official job description for the position:
Electrical engineer: 3-5+ years experience
    Experience designing analog/digital audio systems and/or portable electronics
    Proficient in Eagle/Altium board and schematic design
    Experience with SMT assembly, debugging, and verification
    Bonus mass production and embedded system design experience

There's also firmware and mechanical engineer positions open too, if anyone's interested.

A lot of the electronics work centers around updating/adapting a classic analog synthesizer design, so there's plenty of interesting things to work on, between figuring out how the old design works, improving it with modern parts, finding ways to interface to it with the new digital controls, etc.  For a quick taste, some of the things I've helped him with already are tracking down an oscillating op-amp and compensating it properly, figuring out complex crosstalk/noise/power integrity issues, creating a new switching scheme for one of the controls, and planning new power supply architecture and placement/grounding/power routing for a new PCB revision.

Either send me a message and I'll pass it on, or you can e-mail directly.

Edit: here's a photo from a convention:
« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 03:03:23 pm by D Straney »

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