Hi All, we need little advice, for the first time in our experience we are looking to hire Electronics Generalist so to speak who can do all-around assembly/soldering, some on the fly general inspection/troubleshooting, flashing chips, etc. I suppose the job title can be "soldering technician" or perhaps even "assembly technician".
So basically a person that can solder some certain number of things daily, inspect populated boards, do some spot fixing for bridges or dry joints, etc, solder few custom through hole and SMD parts for certain number or units, then perform programming of the MPUs, calibration, and further assembly, etc.
So my question is: Where does one find such candidate? It sounds simple but I will be honest I have no clue if it better to post a message in local newspaper, go to some local hobby club or something like that, post online?
And another question is, how much can this cost in US, both fulltime and on freelance basis? Just need some ideas.
Thanks in advance for any bit of info regarding this.