General > Jobs
Job Board for Electrical Engineers
Been a long time visitor. I started a job board for electrical engineers. Currently focuses on jobs in the USA. But would love to extend it outside of the US. Where do folks not in the US look for jobs normally? is it all the same (LinkedIn, indeed, monster... etc?)
Link if interested:
Having such an EE jobs board is great, as many similar resources have been discontinued recently or no longer offer real opportunities.
I used to follow these sources, which have almost all been shut down:
* jobs page
* Adafruit Career page, which was open to all for posting job ads
* AngelList
* Memfault Jobs list, which was open to all for posting job ads
* Ganssle Newsletter jobs section
* There was a newsletter and job board very similar to your design, but I no longer remember its name. It has been discontinued for a long time.
Currently, I follow:
* The jobs board here
* Zephyr Discord server, which includes a job channel
* LinkedIn
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