I want to re-use the nice MacMini unibody enclosures. Currently, I'd like to fit a FriendlyARM NanoPC T4 (similar to a RPi)
I look for a 3D designer person to create an accurate 3D model of the Mac Mini IO bezel that I can then have 3D printed professionally. Might look similar to the attachment that I created on my iPad, with some attachments to hold a NanoPC and properly snap-in the aluminum housing.
The important part is that it needs to fit the enclosure really exactly. Ideally, this can be done in OpenSCAD so that it can be easily modified for different cut-outs in the future. But happy with files from other more open systems as well.
Person should be in the EU, so that I can ship the original bezel and enclosure.
Work results are to be opensourced as Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0.
Please apply with your fee, work examples, and references of actually produced items based on your models.