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Looking for an STM32 firmware guy


I have a device I created months ago and haven't really been able to test since it obviously requires code and that's not my thing.

Without getting into too much detail the device is an STM32 F446 communicating with another ASIC over SPI. I have had a freelancer working on this but there has been alot of feet dragging. Seems that everytime I have been ready to cancel the contract he sent a promising update to the point where it appears that all of the STM32 application code is complete, or at least pre-test complete. There are some seemingly minor things not related directly to the STM32 that need to be completed and the best way I can describe it is if you can understand a datasheet and existing code well it probably will not be a difficult task. There may be some going back into the STM32 code to right some wrongs but I can't really know that yet. The project is done in Cube. I'll also need some guidance on getting the code running on the device as I'm not very familiar with Cube, or STMs for that matter.

This isn't a major job for a large company, it's more like (hopefully) a small side gig. I have another project based on the same hardware/firmware that I want to get to after this but I've been set back pretty far by the delays on the code.

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