Hey there EEVBlog folks!
We are Tranzheat, a New Zealand based company and we're developing a new ventilation system, but we've hit a bit of a snag and require someone to do some circuit design and board layout work. One of our employees is a bit of a fan of EEVBlog and said we may have some luck trying to find some help here. This is a one off task but will more than likely result in future work with us. What we require isn't a very difficult task, but needs to be completed relatively quickly. Here's a basic overview of what you'll be up against:
An existing wall type controller with 3 modes, heating, cooling, ventilation, with 3 fan speeds that will control the unit.
3 internal temperature thermistors which need to control various parts of the unit at certain temperatures and in certain modes and one requires a timed delay on it.
Integrate the developed circuity onto an existing PCB design.
I hope that wasn't too vague but if it was feel free to drop questions or
e-mail us for more info or if you are interested in taking on this task.