Author Topic: Need RM69330 OLED Code in CircuitPython  (Read 5290 times)

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Offline tophattingTopic starter

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Need RM69330 OLED Code in CircuitPython
« on: June 12, 2023, 01:10:48 am »
I would like to pay someone to create basic circuitpython code that can drive 454x454 RM69330 screens, additionally - create a prototype on a breadboard using a Teensy4.0 and have it shipped to me upon completion. All parts will be paid for and of course compensation for creating this demo. If you're interested PM. All I need is a draw_pixel method & draw_bitmap.

All existing RM69330 examples online are buggy / straight up don't work. Please don't comment with existing RM69330 resources online - I've very very very likely already seen it & implemented it.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 01:13:29 am by tophatting »

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