I need someone who can take this:
https://github.com/mattairtech/ArduinoCore-samdAnd create a board variant for one of the supported chips with a slightly different pinout, compile the bootloader with the appropriate chip and USB IDs, and make a JSON for a new SAMD board with a pinout similar to the Arduino Zero.
I've done a bunch of research already as far as the pin mappings go and it should all work, but I'm overwhelmed with other work at the moment and this particular board's setup is a bit more complicated than the last one I did, and I really want to get this done asap and there's probably someone out there who is far more familiar with this process, and the ins and outs of make files and bootloaders than I am that can do it far faster than I can.
As far as I can tell someone who knows what they're doing ought to be able to whip this up in a couple days. My fear is if I try it'll take a couple weeks to figure out and I'll screw something obvious up. The bootloader already supports the chip in question, its just that the Arduino pin mappings don't match, and I'm not sure about the ram size in the make file and some other minor details.
If interested, please send a rough time and cost estimate to: scswift@gmail.com