It stuns me (I sit unable to move with mouth open) how some nationalities are well known for having no knowledge of other countries.
The only explanation is there is that no geography is taught in their schools, of particular note is their idea of what Australia is, most don't even seem to know where it is and its a giant continent.
I am not thinking from a point of national pride but others lack of knowledge.
If you have a house in the Melbourne suburbs you don't need to worry about bush fires, they very rarely reach the fringe of major cities. They happen every 3 to 5 years.
And no we don't have Kangaroos running around in cities.
The Melbourne summer is typically 40 deg C for 1 to 4 days and over 38 for around 6 to 8 days. Winter is 8 to 17 deg C.
Melbourne was recently the worlds most livable city for seven years, I think we lost it to Vienna, what else would you want ?
We are not post truth, conspiracy ridden, or racist.
We have been smart enough to arrange it so we don't have the virus, haven't had a single case for 23 days at the moment, currently the same nation wide.
I have no experience with full stack else I would grab it.
Stop worrying about what you hear and the misinformation on here.
Jump in quick and take the damn job.
As we say Come on in the waters fine.