Author Topic: --CLOSED-- Project-based contractor roll at a startup in UK. Electronics ...  (Read 1912 times)

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Offline JacksterTopic starter

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Looking for an electronics engineer to join my startup based in the UK.
This is not a full time or part-time thing, more of a project-based contractor roll.
Though I do see growth in the company over the next 1-2 years as we work on more and more products and would like to hire someone fulltime.

We design and manufacture products for the film and TV industry and work with all sorts of things such as 3 axis gimbals, camera controls, 3ph motor drives, wireless control, ultrasonic distance measuring and more.
Currently use freelancers for software and I do circuit and PCB design myself but I am not an electronics engineer and this is starting to limit our capabilities and production rate.

Got a lot on this year as we are investing in new ideas to get the ball rolling. Hopefully, COVID lockdown ends by the start of the new year and film/tv industry opens up again.

Ideally, we are looking at someone who can do circuit design, PCB layout and software.
Software is not necessary but one person for the whole thing would help a lot as it should speed things up.

As we are a startup, we don't have a lot of cash. So this is not really a post for seasoned engineers unless if you are happy with a weekend project that won't pay your normal rates.
Licencing can also be a thing where we pay you on a per-unit sold kind of thing instead of an hourly or per-project fee.

We are not after super advance engineers. Most of our projects are based on things like Arduinos, ESP32s and other open hardware.
So this would suit those currently studying or have recently left Uni and are looking for extra work.

Current project is ultrasonic range finding.
We are moving away from off the shelf sonar modules and designing our own to increase performance in our application.
Looking for help with R&D through final product design as well as software updates.
Planning on using ESP32 modules for the MCU/wireless and are currently evaluating ultrasonic transducers and drivers.

Future projects include working with 3 axis stabilisers. We are designing a whole ecosystem of accessories for controlling 3 axis stabiliser we are building in house.
Involves simular MCU technology with wireless communications, LCD/OLED displays etc

We are based in Derby (East Midlands, United Kingdom) but this job is open to anyone in Europe and North America.
If this is something you would be interested in, please contact me via the forum.

Offline Diegonegrette42

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Hey Jackster, i am interested in this, how can we chat?

Offline embeddedengineer

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Hi Jackster,

Very interested in your role and feel I am well aligned to what you're looking for.

I've previously designed and built an aftermarket air suspension management system, involving PCB and circuit design, as well as Arduino and baremetal software development on ATmega328PB and Espressif ESP32 chips.

If you're interested in having a chat please let me know!
« Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 10:34:57 am by embeddedengineer »

Offline Arielo

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Hello, I'm from Argentina, and I'm looking to start doing some remote electronics work.

I've done some projects with PICs (PIC12, PIC18 and PIC32), and some others with STM32 MCUs. Both PCB design and firmware development.

I currently work with free or open development tools: KiCAD, MPLABX, SW4STM32, and STM32CubeMX, and some basic knowledge of FreeCAD for enclosures design or checking PCB 3D model against a known enclosure., but I've also used Eagle and Altium for PCB design before.

If you're interested, let me know and we can talk a bit more about what you're interested to develop.

Best regards,

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