Author Topic: Looking for an Electrical Engineer for embedded sensor hardware design-San Jose  (Read 2014 times)

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Offline zeki@cratustech.comTopic starter

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  • Posts: 1
  • Country: us
We are a small but a high growth sensor based product development company in Silicon Valley. If you are a:
board level designer
mixed signal guru
master in Altium
handy and witty engineer in lab
brave man (or woman) who does not get scared of analyzing or documenting
former Semiconductor applications engineer
mini-hack who understand firware a little
candidate for not only design but also enthusiastic on the definition, development and planning of products
person who is looking for a small but integrated team to work with (HW, FW, SW, MECH) in the heart of Silicon Valey

Please send me an e-mail.

Thank you for your interest in CRATUS Technology.

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