Author Topic: Several positions at a startup in Amsterdam: C, Python, VHDL and fiber optics  (Read 1323 times)

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Offline nctnicoTopic starter

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One of my customers is a startup located in the south of Amsterdam. They are looking for several people (junior, medior, senior) to expand the engineering team. Specifically people who besides having a Bachelors degree or higher:
- Can program in C (embedded Linux) and/or Python
- Have experience with VHDL and Xilinx FPGAs
- Know about fiber optics and networks

No, you don't need to know all of these topics. Only one of the above is enough to apply  :)

Knowledge about the following topics is handy but not a must:
- Electronics
- White Rabbit protocol
- PtPv2
- Operating test equipment (oscilloscope, frequency counter, etc)

The company specialises in time distribution based on the White Rabbit time distribution protocol created by CERN. Several people who are internationally recognised experts in the field of time distribution are also involved in this company. I could write a lot of HR wankery here but let's cut that short: this is a very nice company to be a part of because of the people who work there. I've been around this company for a couple of years already and am still enjoying being part of the engineering team.

Everyone can apply as long as you'd be willing to move close to Amsterdam, can speak/write English and (if you are from outside the EU) are eligible for a work permit. If you are from abroad you won't be the only foreigner. The company is located at a place which is easy to reach by public transport.

If you want to know more, send me a PM and I'll put you in touch with the right people.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2019, 10:13:55 am by nctnico »
There are small lies, big lies and then there is what is on the screen of your oscilloscope.

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