Author Topic: What types of jobs can one get with an electrical engineering degree nowadays?  (Read 3172 times)

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Offline Esposch T. TapirTopic starter

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About to reach that point in my life where it's time to graduate uni and become a real man, and I find myself asking the question:
What type of work can electrical eng graduates find?
Is there much of an industry in Australia/NZ for people who want to work with FPGAs/micros and such?
Where else should I be looking?
Does part time work for engineers exist?
Where does one look if they want to get quality mentoring?

Surely there's someone here that's been through the same situation as myself in the past few years.  What did you find out?

Bachelor of Engineering (ECSE) with Honours.
Every time I write a line of code or build a circuit I am reminded that, in the grand scheme of things, I know bugger all.

Offline Neganur

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My very personal experience from a different part of the world was, that people are generally very afraid of letting an 'inexperienced' person anywhere near their FPGA.
So if you don't have a comprehensive blog with lots of FPGA projects to back you up it is difficult as a graduate engineer to be even considered. That's from two smaller companies.

It's really important to be able to talk about projects you have done.

Online EEVblog

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About to reach that point in my life where it's time to graduate uni and become a real man, and I find myself asking the question:
What type of work can electrical eng graduates find?

How about you search the job listings and and go to interviews to find out?
Plenty of work for embedded electronics, just go looking, here's a start:
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 11:22:28 am by EEVblog »

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