Author Topic: Small job - porting open source project from MDK-ARM to STM32CubeIDE  (Read 1241 times)

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Offline purfieldTopic starter

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Hi everyone,
I'm interested in porting this open source project:

To STM32CubeIDE and onto an STM32L5 Nucleo board NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q

I've gotten a quote for $500 USD for the job, and was wondering if anyone thinks they could do it for less.  I'd like to imagine that it isn't too difficult a task since this is mostly just porting a project from one IDE to another, and sticking with a similar STM32 platform.

Also, I wouldn't mind knowing if you guys think I'm crazy for expecting this to be done for less than $500 USD.  This is for what is probably best described as a hobby project with commercial intent. 

Offline salvathor

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Re: Small job - porting open source project from MDK-ARM to STM32CubeIDE
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2020, 08:06:52 am »
I think that is a right quotation: you are asking not only to change IDE enviroment but also porting from F4 to L5 the whole library that involve USB stack.

The two MCU are very similar, but who knows...
You have to consider that someone need also to do test on a real Nucleo board the ported firmware.

If you are not in hurry, I can do it for you on my spare time, I sent a PM


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