Author Topic: Can't route traces or pour copper to connect MP8765 IC  (Read 857 times)

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Offline newtekuserTopic starter

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Can't route traces or pour copper to connect MP8765 IC
« on: November 03, 2024, 06:13:38 am »
The MP8765 datasheet suggests a nice layout consisting of copper pours and traces for connecting this IC to the rest of the circuit, but as it turns out the footprint I have doesn't allow me to do either (I've downloaded it from Ultra Librarian via Digikey).
Copper doesn't pour to any of the pads and even the default trace width of 0.25mm will not fit. Dropping VIAs won't work either for the same reason.

Any suggestions what to try?

Online Doctorandus_P

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Re: Can't route traces or pour copper to connect MP8765 IC
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2024, 12:32:42 pm »
To connect to a pad, both the track and the clearance around it has to fit in between the adjacent tracks. With your color settings, the light grey areas are the clearances between the pads and the tracks. These clearances can overlap with each other, but they may not overlap with copper from another net. And in your case it does not fit. You can change this in the board setup. The quickest way is probably to simply change the settings of the "Default" netclass, but overall, net classes are a quite nice and useful method to manage different track and clearance widths for different purposes and you should invest some time into what net classes are and how they work.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2024, 11:58:32 am by Doctorandus_P »

Offline newtekuserTopic starter

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Re: Can't route traces or pour copper to connect MP8765 IC
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2024, 01:42:17 am »
To connect to a pad, both the track and the clearance around it has t fit in between the adjacent tracks. With your color settings, the light grey areas are the clearances between the pads and the tracks. These clearances can overlap with each other, but they may not overlap with copper from another net. And in your case it does not fit. You can change this in the board setup. The quickest way is probably to simply change the settings of the "Default" netclass, but overall, net classes are a quite nice and useful method to manage different track and clearance withs for different purposes and you should invest some time into what net classes are and how they work.

I re-adjusted clearances and added another smaller pre-defined track size (both still within the limits of my manufacturer) and now the pour and tracks go where I want  :-+

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