Electronics > KiCad

Do I need to move to a 4 layer PCB

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Peripherals tend to get more complex as you move up through the families. They'll have more options that need to be configured and/or different ways to be interacted with.

It can take a bit of time to get used to the changes in a similar peripheral between something like a PIC16 and a PIC24 or PIC32 for example.


--- Quote from: TomS_ on April 16, 2023, 08:06:03 pm ---Peripherals tend to get more complex as you move up through the families. They'll have more options that need to be configured and/or different ways to be interacted with.

It can take a bit of time to get used to the changes in a similar peripheral between something like a PIC16 and a PIC24 or PIC32 for example.
This is true, but they are usually backwards compatible,and will default to the behaviour of the earlier versions until you start playing with addiitonal registers
--- End quote ---


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