I have used KiCad before to produce a simple board design (it was of a simple interface to program PIC 40DIP MCUs via ICSP header) that I printed with my manufacturer of choice (JLCPCB), but years later now I'm back at it and see that I cannot even pass simple ERC checks.
Don't know if it's due to major KiCad changes since I can't remember what version I used the last time.
Having seen that I couldn't pass ERC with more complex diagram, I drew something simple as in the screenshot below which still fails ERC. I don't really understand what Kicad wants of me.
After reading through some forums, I ended up connecting the PWR_Flag to my 5V source which got rid of one of the errors, but still fails with same error for the GND connection.
Can someone please enlighten me what I'm doing wrong?