I am posting this as an update to my previous post(
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/kicad/kicad-7-0-5-on-windows-7-no-vm-easy!/) about running KiCad 7 on Windows 7. I am doing so for a couple of reasons. First, pretty much everything I mentioned about python is unnecessary. Python is included in KiCad, you do not need to install it. Second, I find the warning about an unsupported operating system each time you open a program rather annoying, so I fixed it. Third, well it runs perfectly after simply copying the folder, you cannot click on KiCad files to open them, and you cannot right click on a file add to always open it with KiCad. This post will show the much faster installation method, and fix all the preceding problems.
Getting KiCad running in Windows 7 without any of my enhancements is now only two or three steps, depending on whether or not you have a certain VC++ Library installed. Here it goes.
1. Extract the files from the KiCad installer with 7-zip. You can run it from anywhere, but if you want to use my registry files the root folder should be C:\Program Files\KiCad\7.0. If you put it anywhere else you will not be able to open file simply by clicking on them.
2. You need to add the file api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll to the \bin directory. I have attached a file named "kicad_7.06_patch_all.zip" to this post, extract the file into the \bin directory, the dll is included in the archive. Try to open KiCad.exe. If it opens, all is good. If it complains about a missing Library, proceed to step 3.
3. You will find a file named "VC_redist.x64.exe" in your KiCad root directory, this is the installer for the needed VC++ library. Open this file and just keep clicking okay until it is finished. KiCad should Now open and run just fine, but each time you open it you will get a message about unsupported operating system.
4. This is an optional step, but it will probably make things nicer. There are a few files which will flash a warning about an unsupported operating system each time they are opened. These include the KiCad main file, PCB editor, schematic editor and four others. Also, the files are not registered, so you can't just click a file to open it, and windows will not allow you to right click and choose " always open with...". I have included a batch file to fix these problems. When you extracted kicad_7.06_patch_all.zip a bunch of files were created. Double click the file named "patch_all.bat", it will fix all these problems. When you run it, it will create a folder called "unpatched", copy the seven files with warning messages into this folder, and create patched version of the files back in the original location. This should end all messages about unsupported operating system. It will also run a registry file I created, which will allow project, PCB, and schematic files to be opened simply by clicking on them. As an added bonus, I assume anyone else running Windows 7 is getting sick of Google Chrome warning about unsupported operating system each time it is opened, the last two lines of my registry file fix that problem as well. If you do not wish to add the registry entries, just click no when it warns you that such entries can damage your operating system. When the batch file has completed all operations, it will delete all the files from the zip which are not needed.
That is about all there is to it, you now have a KiCad 7.06 installation which will run on Windows 7 exactly as it does on Windows 10. You can use the same installation technique and registry file I have included on any version of KiCad7.x, but the patch files will only work with 7.06. I noticed a lot of people read my previous post, and assume at least a few have actually done it. So I created this to help improve your experience. I do not wish to spam this forum, so I will not keep posting about each new version unless somebody request me to do so. But I will be continuing to run future versions of KiCad on Windows 7 as long as I can, I suspect this will carry us into v8.x and beyond, as they will be releasing it for Windows 10 as long as Microsoft supports that. And I believe any future releases that run in Windows 10 will also be runnable in Windows 7 by this method. I update my system with every new version, so I will definitely be patching future releases. If anybody is interested, it is very little additional work to release the patch files for each version.