Electronics > KiCad

KiCAD 7.0.7 released

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A lot more bug fixes. See https://www.kicad.org/blog/2023/08/KiCad-7.0.7-Release/

David Aurora:
Is this ready for prime time now? Last time I looked at updating from 6 the consensus seemed to be to keep waiting, I'm guessing it should be good now though?

Dunno, same question really. I've been postponing using v7 for anything serious. It seemed to have "too many" problems with the added fact that KiCad projects and libraries in v7 are incompatible with v6, so basically no way back (which kind of sucks.)

In version 7.0.0 or so I stumbled upon a bug, which had a workaround. Reported it and there where already other reports about it. I couldn't make that connection, because the other reports didn't contain a clear step by step scenario or functional description. But it was linked by the developers actively. The bug was fixed pretty quick.

KiCad hasn't crashed on me when using it for my hobby projects. I like to use the latest version and report a bug when I find it. Which happend only once.


--- Quote from: David Aurora on August 17, 2023, 12:32:43 am ---Is this ready for prime time now? Last time I looked at updating from 6 the consensus seemed to be to keep waiting, I'm guessing it should be good now though?

--- End quote ---

I've been using version 7 since it first came out without any stability issues. Other than the inherent quirks of KiCAD's interface, it works well.


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