Electronics > KiCad

KiCAD 8.0.8 On Windows 7 - Easy Install Script!


The Doktor:
This is an update to my earlier KiCAD 8.0.7  release, now with the proper patch files for version 8.0.8.  Please note that the patching can only be done on the exact version the files were written for.

There are two DLL files used in this release, the wrapper for _eeschema.dll (Required for the schematic editor) comes from https://github.com/j0t/kicad87  and was written by another member of this forum called j0t. The file api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll is also needed for KiCAD  to run, and the version I've included comes from https://github.com/nalexandru/api-ms-win-core-path-HACK . I have used other versions of this file in the past this, but at the suggestion of j0t I am trying to use only stuff where I can show the source, in case anybody wants to check it out on their own.

Much thanks to a member named “j0t”, he created the loader _eeschema.dll, which fixes the missing function which was preventing the schematic editor from loading. I had no success doing this myself, without his work, this would not be possible.
The only things really needed to get KiCAD 8.x are the _eeschema.dll file and the api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll, both of which were produced by somebody else. What I have done is create a nice, easy to use script which not only ads those files, but handles a lot of other issues to make KiCAD function as if it belongs on Windows 7 :-)
PS these instructions appear in the patch package as How_To.txt.

1. You will need 7-zip for this installation, if you don't already have it installed, get it here https://7-zip.org/download.html
2. Create folder C:\Program Files\KiCad\8.0
3. Download the installer for KiCAD  8.0.8, then use 7-zip  to extract all files from the installer to C:\Program Files\KiCad\8.0
4. Download the file kicad_8.08_patch_all.zip  from this post and extract all the files to C:\Program Files\KiCad\8.0
4. Go into the folder C:\Program Files\KiCad\8.0  and run “patch_all.bat”. This will patch all files to eliminate the “unsupported operating system” warning message, install a few files needed to make the programs run, install registry entries to associate files with the proper programs, add a program folder and links to the start menu, and clean up all of the files we no longer need after patching.

The previous V8.0.7 thread:



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