Six months ago, I was where you are now. Eagle user for 20+ years, switched to Kicad for the same reasons you mention. The single biggest area of confusion is the library system. Project vs Global, relative path vs absolute, the split between symbol and footprint team up to almost overwhelming chaos. And rescue libraries - wtf??
It took me a couple of weeks to get my head around the lib system and I can see the power of it. Symbol and footprint creation is easier than Eagle. I had to do a little tweaking of an Eagle board the other day and the library system felt utterly crude compared to Kicad.
A suggestion, don't use the eagle project import feature. While it does work, it creates a whole set of issues that eventually need straightening out (like weirdly sized labels, some huge, some tiny). And when you hit all the library gotchas, it makes for a gawdawful soupy mess. Just bite the bullet and start over. It will be easier in the long run.
One thing I really really miss from Eagle is the ability to create version +1 by just saving to a new file. Kicad doesn't have a mechanism for it so I wind up copying directories (and that gets me into library errors that I have learned I can just ignore but it's ugly - someday I'll figure out how get rid of the errors).