Electronics > KiCad

KiCad gets support for length matched traces

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Commit message from 8 hours ago: "Merged the differential pair router & track length tuning tool."

It seems to work, although it is a little clunky right now, and you can't annotate length matched traces on the schematic far as I can tell, but that will probably be easy to add. To try it out, get a <8 hour old build of KiCad, open up Pcbnew, switch to opengl canvas, and go to route>tune track length or route>differential pair. Right click for preferences.

Looks like I now have one less excuse for not learning about high-speed digital design yet. What are your thoughts? What features does KiCad need next if it is aiming to be competitive with professional packages?

Give it time before you dive in. Those of us poking at in on freenode:#kicad have found at least three crashy bugs so far.

It's a massive merge.

The demo video is worth a watch and should answer some questions:

Yep. There are some nasty segfaults.



--- Quote from: ConnorGames on March 03, 2015, 09:30:50 pm ---Looks like I now have one less excuse for not learning about high-speed digital design yet. What are your thoughts? What features does KiCad need next if it is aiming to be competitive with professional packages?

--- End quote ---

I use KiCad a lot. I wouldn't need new features. I just wanna be more productive. There are a lot of things that could be more automated or done more logical.
When I make a change in the schematic for example, before I get that change in the pcb .. so many clicks.

Fix that first, then talk new features.


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