Hi, Simon, if you want to use your local libraries, just copy the same way than before, the file "fp-lib-table.for-legacy" (IMPORTANT: This file contains the references to the NEW libraries, so if you want to use any older one, you have to edit/add lines and change the names at your convenience), and rename it like in my former post (please note that only one "fp-lib-table" file is needed/allowed).
(lib (name MY_NAME)(type Legacy)(uri ${KISYSMOD}/MY_LIBRARY.mod)(options "")(descr MY_DESCRIPTION))
After that, just don't forget to set the environment variable KISYSMOD, either globally in windows or editing the "RunKicad.bat" and adding this line, but pointing to the folder where your local libraries are.
I think you'll need to restart kicad to make it recognize the changes.
If you want to add another library (for example, a customized one) , i think you have to do it "by hand", just editing the file and adding it or through the Preferences menu.
It's very important to set up the plugin type to "Legacy" when you add the library, if i leave it in "kicad", it doesn't work for me, i don't know why.
And i agree with you, Simon, i'm a little concerned about if they change the footprints without notice and may screw up the designs, i think it's better to download the libraries to the hard disk and use them locally. If i want to update them, i just have to download them again, not so very hard, i think. And of course, this is a lot faster!

P.S. Sorry if my english sounds kinda strange, as i'm spanish
