You mean a PKG installer. That's fairly straightforward, but I'm not sure of how much value it is to technical users. A much bigger problem is that at least the last time I checked it couldn't be built using anything more recent than the 10.14 SDK, which hasn't been available from Apple for quite some time. This means unless you have and keep a very old system with an old version of XCode, specifically only to build KiCad you won't be building it. It relies on undocumented framework components that were removed in the 10.15 SDK. (Or maybe it's 10.13 it needs? Or 10.12? I forget, it has been a year or so.) It's IMO a bit amateurish to rely on components installed on the developer's system, typically all the prerequisite tools - compilers, SDKs, libraries, linkers, packagers, scripts, etc - is all in a single blob downloaded, prebuilt and used as binaries. (Though often the source is also included, for reference.) Otherwise with a large number of developers you will constantly run into problems with different tool versions, different build options, configure parameters, etc. This configuration management is usually the responsibility of one or more of the developers, and it doesn't get updated every time some component has a new minor version. When updated everything is updated, and whoever has that task then spends the next week sorting out all the mysterious problems and making sure the product builds get comprehensive exposure and soaking. So usually this is only done at the beginning of a product cycle, except for very minor fixes (bugs encountered without workarounds and security releases) when there's plenty of time find and resolve build related problems.