Electronics > KiCad

KiCad power net connections?

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I know this is probably in here, but I couldn't find it (sorry if it is):

When attaching GND,Vdd,5v components in eeschema, should KiCad automatically tie them all together for you in pcbnew? I've attached net labels as well as going around and manually linking all the different sections with wires, both of which worked, but resulted in a somewhat messy schematic. Seems a bit of a hassle.

If it matters any, I don't run the latest build. Looks like my apps are from way back on 9-28 of 2013. I'm in 32bit Windows XP.


Yes. Power symbols are net connections.

Thanks c4757p!

So are you saying that if I add for instance a "GND" component and wire it to some part of my schematic, that it will automatically tie itself in the PCB layout to any other places I had attached a GND component? If so, it doesn't seem to work that way here. I may look into updating my software.

Take Care

Yes it will, and in all versions.

Have you generated a netlist in the schematic, and imported it into the PCB?


--- Quote from: c4757p on April 05, 2015, 03:48:10 am ---Have you generated a netlist in the schematic, and imported it into the PCB?
--- End quote ---

Yeah, everything is done in the correct order (schematic,electrical check,netlist,cvpcb, then layout). It'll just leave me with a bunch of stuff like resistors with an air wire on only one side. At least now I'm starting to check for it. If there are multiple parts connected to each other which are supposed to also be tied to ground or Vdd, it's not as easy to notice as the ones with only one wire. It mangled a board the other day and I had to go around and drill holes and add jumpers.



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