This is brilliant. Thanks.
Please don’t use the net highlight function. That’s the purpose of schematics, labels and other convenient facilities. You can figure it all out!
Look -- 2N3055's advice may have come across as cynical, but he has a point.
The "highlight net" function can indeed be helpful while you are looking at a schematic. With the modern style of schematics, where the majority of "connections" are made by putting the same label onto several different pins, it can help you with finding all the points which are connected to the net.
(1) (2) But figuring out which upstream signals affect a given net, and which downstream signals are in turn affected by it, will remain your responsibility and manual work. KiCad will only highlight a single net at a time; it knows which output pin drives this net, but does not know how this pin is affected by upstream signals. Understanding those relationships requires an understanding of the circuit, which for the time being is still for humans to provide. Which is what 2N3055 was saying, I think.
(1) I only wish nets were more clearly highlighted in the schematic editor. At least with Kicad v6, which I am still using, they appear in a magenta color which does not stand out much, at least not for me.
(2) Just to make sure we are using the same nomenclature: Placing the same label on several different pins, but not connecting them by lines, still creates one "net" in KiCad terminology.