New software Tested on Windows 7
1. Press icon Eeschema
Error file not found....
2. One more time Press icon Eeschema
Now ok.
Some things get configured as you run. Is it OK now?
3. File>open> "demo/electric"
Error elec-unifil.lib fail to load.
This lib file is in kicad/share/library, but it needs the first line deleted - it shouldn't be there. The file is dated 2004, and so I guess they tightened up syntax checking and never fixed the error in this old library file.
It should start like this:
EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.2 Date: 24/11/2004-17:23:54
# A_1KVA
DEF A_1KVA EA 0 10 N Y 1 0 N
Also it is worth pointing out that there are a lot more libraries then you see initially. To see more libraries, you have to go to Preferences->Libraries and click on the first "Add" button.
Since the demos are in the protected Program Files (x86) folder, then anything that needs a write to the disk will fail with a write protect error. If you want to play with the demo's, copy all the files in KiCad/share/examples to a writeable folder on your drive.