Author Topic: Output files  (Read 2104 times)

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Online tszabooTopic starter

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Output files
« on: October 20, 2020, 01:46:38 pm »
Hi. I've been browsing some open source projects, as research for my design. Most of these were KiCAD.
Most of these are distributed through github.
I'm wondering, why aren't the output files commited with the rest of the project.
I'm typically including PDF for the schematic, the PCB layout, STEP file of the assembly, ODB++, Assembly drawings etc...
And all of these projects, these files are completely missing.
Is it like technically harder to generate these files in KiCAD? Is it just lazyness? Or people dont know that this is helpful? What's going on?

Offline greenpossum

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Re: Output files
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2020, 02:28:02 pm »
It's up to the author. I generally leave a directory of gerber files when I commit, but I make sure that they can be recreated by the person who clones my project. In some cases you have to generate them again. For example one PCB fab may require combined PTH and NPTH files. I also include the KiCad schematic as my projects are MIT licensed so people can modify to their heart's content.

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