Electronics > KiCad

Panning step size on Fedora (Linux in general?)

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For some reason panning on Fedora is done in fairly chunky steps, while on MacOS it feels smooth and fluid.  Same with zooming.  Is there a way to reduce this increment, at least for panning?

That's up to your desktop environment and may be the framework used by the specific app. For Fedora it would be Gnome and Gnome Shell. So you will get better answers on the Gnome forums. But it is not exactly well known for a lot of customization.

EDIT: did not notice that this was in KiCad specific forum, assumed was general forum.

Do you make use of: Preferences / Mouse and Touchpad / Pan and Zoom / Center and warp cursor on zoom I did find it weird in the beginning, but decided to give it a try anyway, and it simply is the best way of panning & zooming. It's only after a while that you reailzie that all other methods are more clumsy workarounds that you got used to. With Center and warp cursor on zoom you first move the mouse cursor in to the general direction you are interested in, and then zoom either in or out with the scrollwheel, and your "area of interest" is put in the center of the screen.

But if you don't like it for some reason, there are some more settings for zoom and pan speed in the same area. It's possible that not "fedora" is the cause, but some interaction with some other (system wide?) mouse accelerator.

It's not the speed of the pan, it's fine, it's that it responds in coarsely granular steps.  On MacOS when you pan or zoom it updates at some rate, regardless of how much you move, so it feels smooth and fluid.  On Linux you pan and nothing happens until you've panned a certain distance, then it skips over.  It's as if the pan is locked onto a grid.  On MacOS if I pan a tiny amount it moves a tiny amount.  On Linux nothing happens until it exceeds some threshold, then it does a coarse skip, like there's a minimum panning distance.

This must be some setting difference, but I can't see anything obvious. Does it behave the same in the PCB and Schematic editors?

For me both work the same. Panning is pixel accurate and zooming happens in small steps. There is no smooth animation between the steps, but the steps are reasonably small that it is not a problem.


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