Hi, I've been using KiCad for a while now but there are two problems that really bother me, I am sure there is a way to solve them but I really couldn't figure out how to.
1. Misalignment: when I update my PCB editor, even for the first time and without making any changes to the grid settings, some components are misaligned. This really bothers me and I am unable to find a "reallign to grid" command. Not to mention the mess that arises when I make changes to the grid, even when I scale it to 1/2 or 1/4 of the previous value.
2. Inconsistency: when I make a change on my schematic editor all new added components will show to the PCB editor, the netlist is updated and everything seems to be fine. The problem is that all components that have been removed from the schematic editor will still be on the PCB editor! This is quite a problem since I will be forced to manually remove them from the PCB and I might not remember which one I removed in the first place!
I really find KiCad a very usefull resource, but the problems I mentioned can be a deal breaker. Any Idea how to solve them?