Electronics > KiCad
Super n00b here - designing a twin-LED flasher as first project
So, I'm gonna be making this simple circuit (except replace 47uf caps with 10ufs) in KiCad. After I've laid it out in Pcbnew, I'm gonna print it out and etch it:
But this is what my EEschema layout looks like:
And this is the screwed-up schematic I got from PCBNew after I generated the netlist from the EESchema layout (Yes, I DID click the 'Mode Footprint' button and associate footprints!):
So what have I done wrong here?
A couple other questions:
How do I isolate touching wires so that EEschema knows they are separate? Are the wires that I crossed in EEschema all one giant wire? Or does EEschema separate wires based on how you placed them initially?
How do I move individual components around in PCBnew after I've imported the netlist?
Help appreciated.
My suggestion: watch some Kicad tutotrials from Contextual Electronics:
Start over and make the schematic like the one in the example, it's not hard.
Don't place junctions at the part pins.
Junctions is used only where wires connects.
Watch tutorials, and be patient. You'll learn.
--- Quote from: eton975 on June 09, 2015, 10:58:32 am ---So, I'm gonna be making this simple circuit (except replace 47uf caps with 10ufs) in KiCad. After I've laid it out in Pcbnew, I'm gonna print it out and etch it:
But this is what my EEschema layout looks like:
And this is the screwed-up schematic I got from PCBNew after I generated the netlist from the EESchema layout (Yes, I DID click the 'Mode Footprint' button and associate footprints!):
So what have I done wrong here?
A couple other questions:
How do I isolate touching wires so that EEschema knows they are separate? Are the wires that I crossed in EEschema all one giant wire? Or does EEschema separate wires based on how you placed them initially?
How do I move individual components around in PCBnew after I've imported the netlist?
Help appreciated.
--- End quote ---
Can you archive your project and post the file here?
Will check out all the tuts, thanks guys.
--- Quote ---Can you archive your project and post the file here?
--- End quote ---
Yep. I'll attach my (revised as per Thor-Arne's suggestion) version.
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