Electronics > KiCad

Transmission Line layout in KICAD


Is there a way to do transmission line layout in KICAD? Is there a way I can have transmission line elements in the schematic?

I am a ADS user in my day job. Maybe there is a way like in ADS where I can specify the width, length, and layer.


There is the microwave toolbar, which is enabled from the preferences -> show microwave toolbar in pcbnew.

I have notused it myself, but I think it might be a bit buggy, but if you know how it is supposed to work and can report bugs, we can probably have that fixed.

There is one of the tools which read a "Shape Description File", I have no idea of what file format that actually is.


--- Quote ---There is the microwave toolbar, which is enabled from the preferences -> show microwave toolbar in pcbnew.

I have notused it myself, but I think it might be a bit buggy, but if you know how it is supposed to work and can report bugs, we can probably have that fixed.
--- End quote ---
Yeah I have had a play with that before. Not exactly what I had in mind.

One thing I don't really understand is why microwave components are added in the layout phase not the schematic phase. This seem to  defeat the purpose of the schematic being the control document.

--- Quote ---here is one of the tools which read a "Shape Description File", I have no idea of what file format that actually is.
--- End quote ---
I have been unable to get it to work. I am sure I could if I spend more time on it.

What I had in mind was something in the schematic editor was a way all calling out the layer and the impedance or the width and length.

Do you know where I can easily make feature requests?

You can make feature requests and bug reporst on the launchpad bugtracker for kicad.

I don't know why the microwave toolbox is how it is. I just know it is there.   Also bear in mind there is the pcb calculator. I don't remember if that has microwave tools also.


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