Electronics > KiCad

Trimmer resistors pin not connected?

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I do not understand the reasoning behind the "without changing the schematic" part. But it's your project. And indeed if a footprint has multiple pads with the same pad number, then KiCad wants you to connect them together.


--- Quote from: Doctorandus_P on August 21, 2023, 11:13:40 am ---I do not understand the reasoning behind the "without changing the schematic" part. But it's your project. And indeed if a footprint has multiple pads with the same pad number, then KiCad wants you to connect them together.

--- End quote ---
Laziness. Plain and simple. The schematic has been done with, and I just would like to move on to the pcb.
Maybe, now that I think about it, choosing the other trimpot symbol (with three pins) and shorting the third pin to the wiper could take less than duplicating the footprint, mark it as new and make it short two pin together.


I guess it's not lazyness, but just acting on a (beginners?) assumption.
But whatever way you choose, both ways are pretty trivial to do in KiCad, and as you get used to it, your toolbox will grow.


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