It seems people are misunderstanding OSS. OSS is NOT a product, and you are NOT a customer.
OSS should be a product, and its users should be customers. There can still be a "community", but don't treat me like a developer.
I would say most users of OSS are in fact just 'Users' and there is not need to introduce community or corporate speak into it.
I am very grateful to the people who have made Kicad and all the other extremely worthwhile open source software.
If anyone thinks that Linux, Apache, Firefox, Libre Office,, Kicad etc are not worthwhile then they have their eyes closed.
I don't think I have submitted crash reports myself(apart from automatic), to any of these 'communities' and so I don't really feel like I am part of a community.
I haven't ever had any of these OSS projects crash my windows box as far as I can remember, although many non OSS games have done this. Obviously most windows crashes would come from the graphics or networking subsystems, so it is hardly a fair comparison, but it is the only one I can make as games are the only bits of software I would bother buying. (edit: + Windows and anti virus too + Visual Studio ).
I would have to say it is, it is pretty hard to complain about what you are getting for free. Maybe you can try one of the obviously bug free commercial products and see if they are better. (edit: sarcasm warning)