Electronics > KiCad
USB Mobile CAD?
I was wondering if there was a good USB run CAD program for windows machines. I am usually traveling away from home and can not use a single PC for everything.
thanks in advance,
edit: accidently posted in wrong section, if an admin or mod can move the post it would be well appreciated!
I would try putting either:
KiCAD, DipTrace, or Eagle onto a stick and seeing if it runs from there.
KiCAD runs from a stick with no problems. It includes tools for drawing schematics and PCBs, a gerber viewer and some other random bits. You can also get any of the programs separately.
That all sounds good To me. Where is a download link as the only Windows downloads for lived I have seen are installers
Install the software on a desktop PC then copy the folder(s) to a pen drive.
I'll use KiCAD as an example.
Copy the contents of "c:\program files (x86)\kicad" to a pen drive and run the KiCAD app from within the \bin folder.
I am sure the same goes for Eagle and DT, paths might need to be created when the program first runs, you may be able to change paths, I think you can in Eagle.
Alternatively you may be able to download one of those portable app creators, which takes an installed app and creates a "portable" version of it, I have seen a portable Altium, never tried it, not sure if it would even work that great, it was like a 4GB file.
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