This is one of the micro-USB symbols included with Kicad 6. When I click on the symbol to edit I see that GND and VBUS pins are designated as outputs. Why not inputs considering these pins should supply power from an external source?
That decision is questionable, but it's not stupid. Those pins are indeed "power outputs" in the KiCad sense... as long as the USB connector is used as a standard, device-side USB connector.
This is only used for ERC.
The case where it would cause ERC issues is when the connector is used for USB OTG connections.
Note that for VBUS, as long as you're going to put something in series, like a fuse, ferrite, etc. (which is very common in practice), then the pin function of the connector (at least for VBUS) stops having any purpose.
So yeah, all in all it's usually best to define connector pins in general as passive.
But don't assume all KiCad-provided symbols are perfect, they surely are not, and many have a bias, coming from their authors.
I rarely use KiCad symbols as is. I make my own libraries - sometimes based on KiCad symbols and footprints, but often modified.