Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

1.6mm PCB of 4 layers and super thin Pre-Preg?

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Supposing we have a 1.6mm 4 layer (SMPS) PCB (DCDC 24Vin to 12Vout at 3A)
Is it possible to have a 1.2mm FR4 core , and then super thin prepregs around that?

you can't use google?


--- Quote from: Faringdon on April 10, 2024, 07:04:15 pm ---Hi,
Supposing we have a 1.6mm 4 layer (SMPS) PCB (DCDC 24Vin to 12Vout at 3A)
Is it possible to have a 1.2mm FR4 core , and then super thin prepregs around that?

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Consider using mega thin prepregs, or even ultra thin prepregs.


--- Quote from: langwadt on April 10, 2024, 07:15:50 pm ---you can't use google?

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Google doesn't chat to you.

Maybe there's hope when Google introduces LLMs into search results.


--- Quote from: tggzzz on April 10, 2024, 07:53:25 pm ---
--- Quote from: langwadt on April 10, 2024, 07:15:50 pm ---you can't use google?

--- End quote ---

Google doesn't chat to you.

--- End quote ---

I guess if the intend is not get an answer just but to stir the shit google isn't much help


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