I'm trying to start up a small business selling scientific equipment. I'm in the prototype stage, and with my current prototypes I order PCBs from JLCPCB and get them to populate all passives.
I then hand solder the ESP32-S3 MCU, a STUSB4500, it's power MOSFETs, and the ADC as JLCPCB doesn't have these parts and my scale doesn't yet justify (or afford) sending these parts to them.
Has anyone tried using a pick and place machine to populate missing components on a PCBA order, then reflow the board a second time? The main issue I can see is getting paste on the unpopulated pads, dealing with reflow issues I assume will be easier.
Any advice on this? How would you add the missing paste, with syringes or very small stencils? Is there another approach for small scale?
I'm considering placing the whole board myself, but parts are much more expensive here, and I have about 50 components so reliable feeders seem very expensive. I've ordered a pandaplacer to mess around with openpnp for fun, and to place some smaller daughter boards, but realise I might need to invest in a production line if successful.