This is the first time I have more boards to assemble. It's not a "pick & place" quantity, but rather the quantity (10) that I would send to external assembler. What seemed very easy task, it became a problem soon

I dont know how to generate the pcb/sch so someone will be able to assemble the board without altium. I don't want to send sch/pcb altium documents and I don't find Smart PDF or any other altium pcb output very useful. I do not have any designators on the pcb so it's very tricky to assemble this.
For me, optimal solution would be that I could generate TOP and BOTTOM board for each component name+value (with highlighted components on each side)
For example, Resistor+100nF: and then highlighted components on TOP layer and highlighted components on BOTTOM layer.
This would be combined in one pdf file, one page for each component.
Does this solution exist? Maybe with some external script?
This would make assembling this very easy. Is it possible to do this?