Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

Be careful with quoted delivery dates

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--- Quote from: David Aurora on June 02, 2023, 03:36:01 am ---I'm not sure what that has to do with anything? The issue being discussed is wildly inaccurate delivery estimates that are apparently (but maybe not really) based on low availability. Not whether or not we can schedule delivery of an in stock item 3 months from now.

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If the problem is low availability, and you want to secure the parts, and yet still not pay for them... I don't know what you can do other than negotiating a longer credit time (Net60+).

But in terms of purchase agreements directly from the manufacturer, its normal to have deliveries scheduled for specific dates. If its a one-off buy maybe that is not possible.

David Aurora:

--- Quote from: thm_w on June 02, 2023, 10:37:27 pm ---
--- Quote from: David Aurora on June 02, 2023, 03:36:01 am ---I'm not sure what that has to do with anything? The issue being discussed is wildly inaccurate delivery estimates that are apparently (but maybe not really) based on low availability. Not whether or not we can schedule delivery of an in stock item 3 months from now.

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If the problem is low availability, and you want to secure the parts, and yet still not pay for them... I don't know what you can do other than negotiating a longer credit time (Net60+).

But in terms of purchase agreements directly from the manufacturer, its normal to have deliveries scheduled for specific dates. If its a one-off buy maybe that is not possible.

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Again- that's not what this conversation is about. Are you actually reading along here?


--- Quote from: David Aurora on June 02, 2023, 11:20:41 pm ---Again- that's not what this conversation is about. Are you actually reading along here?

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So do you have some proof that "mfgs are creating fake shortages to slow down the price collapse."? Or is this just pure speculation.

David Aurora:

--- Quote from: thm_w on June 03, 2023, 12:39:29 am ---
--- Quote from: David Aurora on June 02, 2023, 11:20:41 pm ---Again- that's not what this conversation is about. Are you actually reading along here?

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So do you have some proof that "mfgs are creating fake shortages to slow down the price collapse."? Or is this just pure speculation.

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Wasn't my post that claimed it, even though it seems plausible. Yet again, you're barking up the wrong tree in this thread.

I should have specified a deliver date of say 10th July, but I trusted the company to not be lying about their quoted delivery date.

(specifying earlier, say 5th July, can be used to generate a 30th June dated invoice, by pretending that 5 days were needed for shipping)

Also the way they dealt with it afterwards (obvious lies) suggests that I was right about this being a policy/strategy.

The problem is that this form does not communicate in a normal manner e.g. no phone contact is possible. I will post the name but right now I am waiting to see what happens.

--- Quote ---So do you have some proof that "mfgs are creating fake shortages to slow down the price collapse."
--- End quote ---

It is standard stuff; happens near the end of each bubble.


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