Especially as I delayed delivery of other parts to July

If this was some cheap thing I would not care but it is $5000. If you ignore your cash flow and order 5k here and 5k there, you soon have to pay out 50k months too soon.
The electronics business (I've been in it since 1978) has always worked as follows:
- prices gradually fall
- eventually they fall too far
- the sales reps go out and spread the dreaded a-word (allocation)
- everybody panics and places orders for way more than they need (allocation means no dely dates are quoted, so you have to move fast to get into the queue)
- prices go up, often 10x
- eventually the pipeline is all delivered and everybody is sitting on tons of stock (some gets offloaded to the 2nd level cowboy distis, which everybody hates because nobody likes to take a hit on the writedown)
- there is a bloodbath, sales reps have collected their bonuses and go to other jobs
- the cycle repeats
The covid bubble was deeper and longer than any before but we are now around stage 6. Parts are being shipped, suddenly appearing in stock despite dates in late 2023 or even 2024 being "current as of yesterday". Prices are collapsing but mfgs are creating fake shortages to slow down the price collapse.
It stinks, but nothing changes.
Ex stock would help with widely available parts like a LM358, but nowadays most parts are single sourced, and a longer lead time yields more orders and at a higher price.