Electronics > Manufacturing & Assembly

Be careful with quoted delivery dates

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We quote our customers stock and lead time eg  6..10  weeks ARO.

Our T&C of sales state these are estimates.

The customer PO can specify "delivery window -3 +3 days " for the allowed variation in delivery date.


I often schedule shipments for Digi-Key and they will occasionally not follow the scheduled shipment date which is quite annoying considering that I then have to pay within 30 days of the invoice instead of later in the year as I had scheduled.


--- Quote from: sinewave on June 05, 2023, 12:50:20 pm ---I often schedule shipments for Digi-Key and they will occasionally not follow the scheduled shipment date which is quite annoying considering that I then have to pay within 30 days of the invoice instead of later in the year as I had scheduled.

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Almost every supplier will play the ship it so it sneaks into an earlier billing period trick, often when they need to massage some numbers in a bad month. doesn't mean you have to take it lying down and pay to those terms tho'.

There are some manufacturers however who clearly have no idea what's going on with their stock or scheduling. I'd call out Microchip here, very poor at communication, many products have ludicrous rolling lead times of 52+ weeks even now and they can ship your backorders without warning.

Following the crowd in straying form the OPs theory (I'm not sure I believe it), those of you are UK based will find backorders and scheduled ordering from RS, do not work. That stock will come in, get listed and ship to direct web sales before they backfill. They have poorly functioning manual systems that try and fix this (they ship or your scheduled and backorders to a regional store to hide it form the warehouse  :-DD :'() but they also don't work well and are monumentally inflexible. Until supplies return to normal across a greater range of product types, we all have to live with shit service.

Just spoke to a UK disti who basically agreed this is going on.

Underneath the price supporting measures, prices are collapsing.

I revisited this
and Mouser have suddenly got rid of nearly all of the ~80k pieces. It is fairly obvious they were not just sold, not at that price. They probably flogged them to one of the cowboy resellers in the US. One of them has just quoted me $6 for 5k.


--- Quote from: peter-h on June 03, 2023, 01:39:34 pm ---but I trusted the company to not be lying about their quoted delivery date.

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If someone cancels their appointment at a hospital, that means they can bring mine forward. Same basic principal. Does that mean the hospital lied to me about my original appointment date?


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