The AD part is ADG1411YRUZ. I'm not worried about the TI part. As you say, there must be many subs. It's just odd that the CM didn't find any when TI has stock. Seems they do a lot of that. Digikey will have a couple thousand and TI will have 100 thousand. Some chip makers have inventory for the distis to draw from, but TI will sell direct and they are typically much cheaper.
Don't think you'll find any of the ADG1411YRUZ other than through brokers maybe. Someone clued me into, but they want your life history to sign up and I Haven't completed that yet. I expect all the sources are just brokers or worse.
BTW, the "few days" is 5 vs 7. Yeah, that makes a big difference. The assembly will go fast, but the testing is about 600 a week. So 11,000 take some 4 months. Add another 7 months onto the front to get inventory and that's the nearly a year. Yeah, I'd like to know if it is 20 weeks or 28 weeks for the AD chip.